We're overjoyed that
The Giving Garden
has provided
9,067 lbs. of fresh fruits and vegetables
to our local
food pantries and meal programs
in 2022!
All crops pictured in this section are Bomb Cyclone Elliot survivors!

We grow crops year-round!
Our winter crops include broccoli, cabbage, cabbage collards, collard greens, kale, Swiss chard, and sugar snap peas.

We're also growing lettuces, spinach, Chinese cabbage, and radishes in our table planters.
Pam, Rick, and Marv

Our final harvest of 2022 was on the windy sub-freezing morning of Dec. 21.
Gardening in winter depends on great volunteers, meaningful work, and the wearing the right gear!
Alfred Wainwright, British author, wrote
“There's no such thing as bad weather,
only unsuitable clothing” (Coast to Coast,1973)
Garden Volunteers 2022
The Giving Garden is run entirely by volunteers. We wholeheartedly thank all of our volunteers for their hard work, dedication, creativity, good cheer, encouragement, and support! We're grateful for the participation of our congregation, local churches and organizations, local community members, local food pantries and meal programs, as well as those who support the garden with behind the scenes tasks and financial contributions. We're a community of diverse volunteers serving our diverse community. Thank you for putting food on the tables of 172 families per week during every season of the year!
Volunteer Highlight
Marv Baker and Rick Mayo
Flashback to Summer 2022
Hauling mulch uphill to the Edible Forest

The garden team would like to recognize two volunteers who have put a lot of time and effort into the garden during months of grueling heat and extreme cold (see above), rain or shine, and on days they could have been playing golf or enjoying some other leisure activity.
Thank you, Marv and Rick!
Edible Forest - Many food pantries receive far more fresh vegetables than fresh fruit. Our edible forest is filled with fruit trees and berries, with the intention of meeting this need in our community.
New plantings in December include 2 Japanese Persimmon trees, 2 Cherry trees, and a Pomegranate tree. They join our 5 heirloom apple trees, and blackberry bushes.
We have a butterfly garden at the base of the Edible Forest, and daffodils will soon be planted between the pollinators and fruit bearing trees.
Winter Gardening Tasks
It's not too early to get ready for Spring! Do a soil test and submit it to the NC Extension to determine the specific nutrient needs of your garden soil so you can correct any problems and be ready to plant in the spring!
Protect your perennials and any overwintering veggies with a thick layer of mulch, and protect veggies from hard freezes with row cover cloth.
Continue to harvest cold weather veggies like collards and kale.
Drain the fuel tank from your tiller and mower before winter storage.
This is a great time for tool and equipment maintenance. Clean, sharpen, and oil shovels, hoes, and hand tools to prevent rust and get them ready for the spring.
Review your garden notes for the year so you can reflect on changes you might want to make for next year.
Recipes - Spinach, winter squash, and carrots are in season.
Spinach and Feta Frittata is a healthy meal that can double for dinner and a great leftover breakfast during the busy holiday season.
Easy, nutritious side dishes