We're thankful for all of the people in our community who contribute their time, talent, energy, and financial support to The Giving Garden, and the people who distribute our fresh fruits and vegetables to those who are hungry in our community.
A special thank you to Wake Forest Community Table, The Main Ingredient, Journey Ministry Food Pantry, Mount Moriah Baptist Church Food Pantry, TriArea Ministry Food Pantry, and Logan's Grow a Row for the Hungry!

We're also thankful for
November tomatoes!
7,903 lbs. of produce in 2022
as of mid-November!

Our first fall 2022 broccoli harvest!
We're also harvesting cabbage, cabbage collards, collard greens, kale, and Swiss Chard.
Recently planted:
Lettuces, radishes, & Chinese cabbage

Robert & Helen Long, Directors of
The Journey Ministry Pantry,
Youngsville picking up fresh
produce from the garden.