Scholarship Opportunity for High School Seniors
Wake Forest Presbyterian Church is pleased to announce a new and exciting opportunity for high school seniors – The SCG Scholarship. The idea behind the creation of this new scholarship is GENEROSITY. As Christians, we are taught to love our neighbor, care for those less fortunate, and give generously.
In 2 Corinthians 9:6-8, we read, “Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
Each year, the SCG Scholarship will accept applications from high school seniors who have been active in the youth activities at WFPC and have chosen to continue their education at a college or university. The application will be focused on generosity and will delve into the impact it’s had on the applicant. A key section of the application is the “generosity project”, which is designed to encourage the applicant to consider new and innovative ideas on how to maximize one’s resources to effectively spread generosity throughout the community.
The scholarship committee will award scholarships each year to the applicants who have best expressed themselves effectively through the application and who have successfully planned an effective generosity project which will maximize the generosity gift portion of the award that would truly benefit the community.
The breakdown of each of the awards is as follows:
$1,500 Scholarship Award (paid directly to the college or university)
$500 Generosity Portion of the Award (paid to the award recipient to be used to fulfill their generosity project requirement)
$2,000 Total amount of the Award
# The number of scholarship awards is determined by the number of qualified applicants
Applications are available below.
This scholarship opportunity has been made possible by a donation from Randall and Melinda Keen. Donations to the SCG Scholarship fund can be made through WFPC. Please direct your donation for the restricted fund – “SCG Scholarship”.