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Wake Forest Presbyterian Church


January 2023 - Get Ready to Garden!

Updated: Jan 29, 2023

It's time to start planning your spring garden!

"Anyone who thinks gardening begins in the spring and ends in the fall is missing the best part of the whole year; for gardening begins in January with a dream." Josephine Nuese


Gardening Tips for January

  • Order seeds and seed potatoes

  • Start seeds indoors

  • Cut spent perennials

  • Repot plants

  • Swap plants with friends

  • Start a new compost pile

  • Prune damaged tree limbs

  • Clean bird feeders

  • Fill bird feeders

  • Add colorful garden accessories to brighten the landscape

  • Tour a local greenhouse

  • Paint your garden shed

  • Research colorful winter garden plants and make a plan to fill up blank spaces in your landscape for next winter. Options: Lenten rose, ornamental kales, camellias, winter jasmine, hollies, cotoneaster, nandina, red- and yellow-stemmed dogwood, and witch hazel.


The Giving Garden 2023 Calendar, in progress.

Please check monthly newsletters for updates, weather related changes, and specific details.



Garden maintenance and planning

FEBRUARY Weekly harvests*

14 Plant Texas onions

25 Plant potatoes and onion sets

MARCH Weekly harvests

4 Plant sugar snap peas seeds, broccoli, spinach,

cabbage, and Swiss chard seedlings, and Texas onions

25 Plant broccoli, spinach, cabbage, and Swiss chard seedlings

APRIL Weekly harvests

15 First tomato planting

22 EARTH DAY; Plant pole beans and cucumbers

MAY Weekly harvests

2 Plant peppers and squash

6 Second tomato planting

20 Third tomato planting

JUNE Weekly harvests

10 Plant sweet potatoes (Rain date: 6/17)

27 Plant peppers and squash

JULY Weekly harvests

Plant cantaloupe, watermelons, pumpkins and

winter squash throughout the month.

AUGUST Weekly harvests

SEPTEMBER Weekly harvests

OCTOBER Weekly harvests

14 Sweet potato harvest

TBD Install row cover supports

NOVEMBER Weekly harvests

DECEMBER Weekly harvests

*Tuesdays and Saturdays, 9 am-12 pm Winter, 8 am-11 am Spring, Summer, Fall, weather permitting. Please check the monthly newsletter for changes. Click on Sign Up Genius on home page to register.


The Giving Garden respectfully dedicates all of our 2023 harvests in the memory of Sgt. Andrew Hale, 82nd Airborne US Army, Juris. Doctor, ITT Chicago-Kent, who exemplified the spirit of giving to those in need. Eagle Scout, BSA Troop 5


Boy Scouts of America

Troop 5

Eagle Scout Projects in Progress

Jack Ritchie - Covered vegetable grading station.

Tables and benches will be added, where produce will be cleaned, sorted, crated, weighed, and loaded for transport to food pantries and meal programs.

Noah Dudley - Covered shed

Garden tools will be cleaned, organized, and stored in a protected area for easy access by volunteers on garden work days.

Tiergan Campbell - Tie wall

The tie wall will prevent erosion of soil from the Edible Forest on the hill behind the pergola. This area will be landscaped with blooming perennials and vines. The pergola provides a shaded area for socializing, relaxing, and reading, with access to 2 outdoor libraries, one for children and one for adults.



Carrots, collards, and sweet potatoes are still in season in North Carolina.



© Wake Forest Presbyterian Church

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